
Making a Way: Ulysses Byas, First Black School Superintendent in the Southeast, and His Fight for Educational Reform




¹ Byas, A 1.

² 3.

³ 9.

⁴ 10.

⁵ Ibid., 12–13.

⁶ Ibid., 20–21.

⁷ 22.

⁸ 30.

⁹ 25.

¹⁰ Ibid., 31–36.

¹¹ Ibid., 46–47.

¹² 53.

¹³ 59.

¹⁴ Ibid., 65–75.

¹⁵ Byas, A Proposal … 1.

¹⁶ Norrell, 77–80.

¹⁷ Ibid., 81–85.

¹⁸ Ibid., 86–88.

¹⁹ Ibid., 88–90.

²⁰ Ibid., 93–95.

²¹ Ibid.,

²² Ibid., 96–99.

²³ 100.

²⁴ Ibid.,

²⁵ Ibid.,

²⁶ Ibid.,

²⁷ Ibid.,

²⁸ Ibid.,

²⁹ Ibid.,

³⁰ Ibid.,

³¹ Ibid.,

³² Ibid.,

³³ Ibid.,

³⁴ Ibid.,

³⁵ Ibid.,

³⁶ 168.

³⁷ Ibid.,

³⁸ Ibid.,

³⁹ Ibid.,

⁴⁰ Ibid.,

⁴¹ Ibid.,




¹ Gainesville undated

² Tuskegee Progressive June 25, 1970.

³ Ibid.

⁵ act 4, 5.

⁶ Adams (chapter 314.

⁷ Walker, Vanessa Sidle.




¹ News release, January 19, 1973.

² News release, February 1, 1972.

³ The Auburn Center, 1971; Alabama State Board of Education, 1972; Blue Ribbon Citizens’ Committee, 1978.




¹ Excerpts from superintendent’s address, August 26, 1971.

² Macon County Board of Education, February 3, 1971.

³ Interview, June 21, 2002.

Your Macon Education May 1972.

⁵ Byas, 1976; Macon County Board of Education, July 17, 1973.

⁶ Macon County Board of Education, December 15, 1971.

⁷ Ibid.

⁸ Interview, June 21, 2002.

⁹ Macon County Board of Education, January 1976.

¹⁰ Interview, June 21, 2002.

¹¹ Macon County Board of Education, June 1972.

¹² Macon County Board of Education, June 10.

¹³ From a speech given on January 30, 1975.




¹ FCC 10.

² FCC 74–1385, 15–17.




¹ Letter, March 23, 1976, to MCBOE.

² Special board meeting minutes, December 1, 1976.

³ Letter, November 29, 1976, to MCBOE, and agreement signed December 1, 1976.

⁴ Open Tuskegee December 16, 1976.



¹ Memorandum, March 29, 1977.

² February 27, 2002.

³ Letter from Douglas Force.

⁴ Letter from Wilhelmina F. Baldwin, March 26, 1987.

⁵ 209.

⁶ Ibid.,

⁷ Ibid.,